Web & Mobile Expertise

Auto Fill Patient Details In HIS

Customer Objective

To reduce manual effort by automating patient information entry in the Hospital Information System. 

Proposed Solution

  • Developed an intelligent Bot that automatically enters the details/records of the patients in the hospital information system. 
  • The bot automatically logs into the system with the supplied credentials and performs the tasks as per the defined workflow. 
  • The bot reads details from the supplied Excel sheet, including Name, DOB, Language, provider choices, and HIPAA notices, it enters them into the HIS system. 
  • As a part of the automation, we applied protocols that resulted in error-free procedures. 

Tech Stack

  • T Plan, Excel & OpenEMR

Business Impact

  • It Improves quality and enables human workers to focus on higher-value tasks. 
  • By eliminating human errors caused by fatigue or insufficient knowledge, RPA reduces the error rate and lowers operational risk. 
  • It reduces costs for customers by automating tasks, achieving cost savings of nearly 30%. 

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